Here she is, my old treasured sewing maching.
It was my great grandmothers.
I learnt to sew on this baby!
It is knee operated and truely beautiful
my mum told me she would have it serviced for me,
bring her back to good working cond.
new wiring and a complete overhaul, She will have to wait.
Ive always been blessed with everyones offcasts. in the last 3 years,
I have loved to death 3 sewing machines.
and now I'm onto mums old one, which I'm sure I will also put to rest.
So instead, of having my old banger fixed,my mum, the compulsive shopper,
comes home with this new machine.
can I really be trusted with it?
I am so blown away to be simply given a new machine. I dont know what to say
It will be used everyday, that is a promise!