At my house this week...
Happy Birthday to Daddy 5 star today!!
after school my 3 5 stars decorated a cake at their grandma's house
it looks fabulous of course.
after dinner we let them choose which part of the cake they wanted to eat.
littlest 5 star wanted the hat cause it had no farties (smarties) on it.
must say, I don't fancy eating farties myself!!!
oldest 5 star wanted the arm, cause it had the MOST smarties and marshmallows
malcom in the middle 5 star, well, she wanted the bit cut out in the middle.
yep, she asked for the arse.
in those words too. hmmmm
then youngest 5 star made a party hat for Dad.
it's those things that make your day special!
check out what's on at other people's houses this week